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Every time Bill Bryson walks out the door, memorable travel
literature threatens to break out. His previous excursion along the
Appalachian Trail resulted in the sublime national bestseller A
Walk in the Woods. In A Sunburned Country is his report
on what he found in an entirely different place: Australia, the
country that doubles as a continent, and a place with the
friendliest inhabitants, the hottest, driest weather, and the most
peculiar and lethal wildlife to be found on the planet. The result
is a deliciously funny, fact-filled, and adventurous performance by
a writer who combines humor, wonder, and unflagging
Despite the fact that Australia harbors more things that can kill
you in extremely nasty ways than anywhere else, including sharks,
crocodiles, snakes, even riptides and deserts, Bill Bryson adores
the place, and he takes his readers on a rollicking ride far beyond
that beaten tourist path. Wherever he goes he finds Australians who
are cheerful, extroverted, and unfailingly obliging, and these
beaming products of land with clean, safe cities, cold beer, and
constant sunshine fill the pages of this wonderful book. Australia
is an immense and fortunate land, and it has found in Bill Bryson
its perfect guide.
Bill Bryson's many books include, most recently, I'm a
Stranger Here Myself, as well as A Walk in the Woods,
Lost Continent, Notes from a Small Island, and
Mother Tongue. Born in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1951, he lived
in England for almost two decades. He now lives in Hanover, New
Hampshire, with his wife and their four children.
I drove in the gloomy frame of mind that overtakes me at the end of every big trip. In another day or two I would be back in New Hampshire and all these experiences would march off as in a Disney film to the dusty attic of my brain and try to find space for themselves amid all the ridiculous accumulated clutter of half a century's disordered living.
It seemed a particularly melancholy notion to me that life would go on in Australia and I would hear almost nothing of it....Life would go on and I would hear nothing , because once you leave Australia, Australia ceases to be. What a strange, sad thought that is.
I can understand it, of course. Australia is mostly empty and a long way away. Its population is small and its role in the world consequently peripheral. It doesn't have coups...
They chose as leader an Irish police officer named Robert O’Hara Burke, who had never seen real outback, was famous for his ability to get lost even in inhabited areas, and knew nothing of exploration or science.
He would, he announced, continue to reside in Sydney and commute to Canberra as duties required. As you can imagine, this caused an uproar among Canberra’s citizens, presumably because they hadn’t thought of it themselves. What made this particularly interesting is that John Howard is by far the dullest man in Australia. Imagine a very committed funeral home director – someone whose burning ambition from the age of eleven was to be a funeral home director, whose proudest achievement in adulthood was to be elected president of the Queanbeyan and District Funeral Home Directors’ Association – then halve his personality and halve it again, and you have pretty well got John Howard. When a man as outstandingly colourless as John Howard turns his nose up at a place you know it must be worth a lo...
Then I decided to come up with a new slogan for Canberra. First I wrote: ‘Canberra – There’s Nothing to It!’ and then ‘Canberra – Why Wait for Death?’ Then I thought some more and wrote: ‘Canberra – Gateway to Everywhere Else!’,
Give Australians an issue and they will argue it so passionately and in such detail, from so many angles, with the introduction of so many loosely connected side issues, that it soon becomes impenetrable to the outsider.
So the question is: will Bill Bryson be able to deliver yet
another travel book that educates, entertains and makes the
delighted reader laugh aloud? No worries, mate, because 'Bryson
visits Australia' (or Down Under, to use its proper title) doesn't
disappoint. Our boy Bill declares his love for the Antipodes and
proves it beyond doubt. This is another well-researched serio-comic
treat, featuring Bryson's classic creation - a bemused American
tourist who masks his generosity of spirit and genuine wonder
behind a wisecracking persona (the character known as 'Bill
Bryson'). Bryson's delight in language and wordplay is perhaps his
greatest gift. My favourites from Down Underinclude his collection
of Australian Parliamentary epithets ('you perfumed gigolo/mangy
maggot/stunned mullet') and his encounter with a complete stranger
in the shadow of a giant fibreglass lobster somewhere south of
Melbourne (the punch-line to which is 'man crushed by falling
bullock's bollocks'). Another winner is the vicious parody of Ozzie
radio cricket commentary ('I don't think I've seen offside medium
slow fast pace bowling to match it since Baden-Powell took
Rangachangabanga for a maiden ovary at Bangalore in 1948'). He's
also acute on politics. The plight of the Aborigines in the land
that they settled 45,000 years ago lingers in the mind. He remains
tough on American junk culture, too: 'We Yanks have created a
philosophy of retailing that is totally without aesthetics and
totally irresistible.' Bryson's tales of overindulgence in the
local brew - familiar from previous books - are still surreally
funny but have become a little disturbing. Whether he knows it or
not (and I expect he does), he is slowly revealing intriguing
aspects of his complicated personality to his many readers. There's
an underlying world-weariness here, even an existential angst.
EXCELLENT. I continue to find Bryson fascinating company, warts and
all. Review by KERRY SHALE (Kirkus UK)
Every time Bill Bryson walks out the door, memorable travel literature threatens to break out. His previous excursion along the Appalachian Trail resulted in the sublime national bestseller A Walk in the Woods . In A Sunburned Country is his report on what he found in an entirely different place: Australia, the country that doubles as a continent, and a place with the friendliest inhabitants, the hottest, driest weather, and the most peculiar and lethal wildlife to be found on the planet. The result is a deliciously funny, fact-filled, and adventurous performance by a writer who combines humor, wonder, and unflagging curiousity.
Despite the fact that Australia harbors more things that can kill you in extremely nasty ways than anywhere else, including sharks, crocodiles, snakes, even riptides and deserts, Bill Bryson adores the place, and he takes his readers on a rollicking ride far beyond that beaten tourist path. Wherever he goes he finds Australians who are cheerful, extroverted, and unfailingly obliging, and these beaming products of land with clean, safe cities, cold beer, and constant sunshine fill the pages of this wonderful book. Australia is an immense and fortunate land, and it has found in Bill Bryson its perfect guide.
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